- Brake Pads 12 items
- Carburetor 38 items
- Camshaft - Chain 4 items
- Clutch 40 items
- Crankcase 11 items
- Crankshaft 21 items
- Cylinder 20 items
- Engine 5 items
- Exhaust 7 items
- Fairing 7 items
- Frame 3 items
- Front Brake 10 items
- Front Fork & Front Fender 20 items
- Front Wheel 10 items
- Fuel Tank 25 items
- Gasket Set 1 item
- Handle, Start & Wiring 9 items
- Ignition 5 items
- Oil Pump & Meter 3 items
- Piston 1 item
- Radiator 5 items
- Rear Arm & Rear Cushion 7 items
- Rear Brake 12 items
- Rear Fender 2 items
- Rear Wheel 12 items
- Seat 1 item
- Tachometer 19 items
- Thermometer 4 items
- Throttle Grip & Cable 1 item
- Transmission 61 items
- Water Pump & Water Hose 19 items
- Wind Screen 1 item
- Shift Transmission Parts 2 items
- Rear Arm & Rear Cushiom 1 item
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Theo Louwes Racing Parts
Experienced in 2-stroke racing parts for classic Yamaha and Suzuki motorcycles.We have a huge experience and inventory for models from 1968 till 1988.
Experience Yamaha and Suzuki
During my racing carreer I maintained my own bikes, not like the racing teams these days. I was a driver, constructor and manager, all myself. I kept a huge stock behind so I would never be in need of spare parts. You find in our collection a wide variety parts from complete engines to bearings, from muffler systems to mounting bolts fairing.
New products, new old stock, used but still perfect, used but still in good condition, we have a wide choice. Notice our own line with reproduction parts made by myself, high quality front- rear and swingarm shafts, clutch covers magnesium and many more.
Each product is a 99,99% copy as original, we can say that with 55 years experience in business. There isn't a race parts for the TZ's & RG model we can't supply. If we don't have it, we can fix it! If you are not sure a product is new, made as original (copy), or do you want to learn the quality? Please contact us by e-mail.