- Brake Pads 9 items
- Carburetor 3 items
- Camshaft - Chain 1 item
- Clutch 5 items
- Crankshaft 1 item
- Cylinder 1 item
- Exhaust 3 items
- Fairing 3 items
- Frame 1 item
- Front Brake 4 items
- Front Fork & Front Fender 3 items
- Front Wheel 7 items
- Fuel Tank 7 items
- Handle, Start & Wiring 4 items
- Ignition 1 item
- Parts Book 1 item
- Radiator 1 item
- Rear Arm & Rear Cushion 5 items
- Rear Brake 9 items
- Rear Wheel 14 items
- Seat 4 items
- Tachometer 2 items
- Throttle Grip & Cable 2 items
- Transmission 2 items
- Water Pump & Water Hose 5 items
- Wind Screen 1 item
- Clutch & Brake Cables 1 item
- Clutch and Brake Cables 1 item
Top Rate Products
Yamaha Racing Parts
We have in stock many parts for the Yamaha 2-stroke bikes. You can find new original yamaha parts such as cylinder, gearbox, TZ250 chassis, crankshafts and many more. We always follow the Yamaha partsbook as a service manual to find the right product for our inventory. As a Yamaha reseller during the years, we still have original parts you can not find worldwide. After deciding to quit racing in 1976, we took all our racing experience to the local market and still using the handwritten book with right way to maintain the bikes. Most parts are new old stock, or in good used conditions.
Yamaha TZ250 and TZ350 2-stroke racing parts
Yamaha TZ250 and TZ350, production racers used for the GP racing industry. Yamaha started producing these bikes in 1973 with model A and production came to an end in 1981 with model H. These were different Yamaha GP racers with liquid cooled system, other then the TR and TD series from Yamaha early years. The A/B models are different from the past 1975 models. The A/B models are coming more close to the aircooled from 1968 - 1971.